MOHAN Foundation

Welcome to ‘Kids Dash to Save Lives’

A MOHAN Foundation Initiative

Join Us in Spreading Awareness about the Gift of Life Through Organ Donation

At MOHAN Foundation, we have always stood at the forefront of fostering hope and transforming lives. For 27 years, our dedication has been unwavering in supporting and enhancing the organ donation program in India. We believe in the power of giving, the strength of community, and the profound impact organ donation can have on countless lives.

We are thrilled to announce our latest venture, “ஓடி விளையாடு பாப்பா – Kids Dash to Save Lives,” an event that intertwines the innocence of childhood with the profound message of life-saving organ donation. This is more than just a run; it’s a movement – spearheaded by the youngest members of our society.


Event Overview:

Event Name:  ஓடி விளையாடு பாப்பா (Kids Dash for Organ Donation )

Date: Mar 10, 2024 6:30 am,Sunday

Location: Raja Rathinam Stadium,Egmore

Participants:  Over 500 kids accompanied by 1000 parents


Join Us in This Life-Changing Mission

We To explore  sponsorship opportunities and to become a part of this noble cause, please contact Mr. Baskar at +91 9789966373 or via email at [email protected]

Your support can create waves of change. We look forward to a positive response and hope to welcome [Company Name] into our community of change-makers.


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